WELCOME to the Principal’s Page

Nick Huston, Principal

Email: HustonN@owengage.org

Phone: 989.678.4141

Check out Advantages of Owen-Gage

How exciting it is to be beginning another year at Owen-Gage. Each year the students came back to a fresh, clean setting. They have available technology in place, furniture to keep them comfortable, and there is always something new and improved.  The students will continue to be able to boost their pride in the District. We hope that students are happy, feel safe, and enjoy their new learning environment along with the staff that have been employed to work directly with them.

It is a constant pleasure to serve the students and families here at Owen-Gage. The people are friendly and everyone is treated like family. With a school this size, having classroom ratios on average of 13:1, each child is able to receive special one on one attention. Owen-Gage takes pride in its students and being able to help each one of them achieve success is our ultimate goal. Above and below you will find links to some of the advantages of Owen-Gage schools, schedules for high school and elementary, how to help your child with homework, and handbooks that are used as guides for education.

Being in school is important to show student growth. Due to the high volume of absences in school that affect student achievement, the District has partnered with other Districts in the county to help keep kids in school. Please read the following information provided by the HISD.

All of our schools districts in Huron County have recently partnered with the Huron County Circuit Court Family Division to hire two attendance/truancy officers to work with students across the county to improve school attendance. Improved school attendance is vital to improved academic performance and ultimately college and career success. Huron County obtained a state grant and local schools provided matching funds to support these part-time positions. The new attendance/truancy officers are Gary Polega, a former Huron County Sheriff’s Department Deputy, and Sid Schock, former Harbor Beach Police Chief. We are excited about the potential of this program to improve student achievement across the county.

Need a Personal Curriculum? Check out the following links