Owendale – Gagetown Area Schools

Personal Curriculum Alternative
What’s New:
House Bills 4465 and 4466, which amend the Michigan Merit Curriculum, have some implications for the use and implementation of the Personal Curriculum (PC). While these bills were not given “immediate effect,” these changes will be in effect for the graduating class of 2015.
The PC amendments are as follows;
- If requested by the allowable parties, a PC must be developed. The developed PC still needs to be agreed upon by the parent or legal guardian and the superintendent or school designee before taking effect.
- The group of individuals that develops the PC must now include a teacher OR guidance counselor. This teacher should be directly educating the student and have expertise in the subject area being modified. An in-person meeting is no longer required.
- A student using a PC for the Algebra II content must now complete at least 1 math credit during his or her final 2 years of school. This rule previously stated that the student had to complete a math course in his or her final year.
- Students may substitute a formal Career and Technical Education (CTE) program (regardless of content) for up to 1 credit of social studies; 1 credit of health and physical education; and 1 credit of visual, performing, or applied arts.
- The department or any school district shall not limit or discourage the number of students with a PC on any basis other than the best interest of each individual student.
- Schools shall provide an annual notice to parents or guardians explaining the PC and that all students are entitled to a PC. This notice shall be sent to a student’s home and can take several forms including written letter, newsletter, or handbook. This notice shall also be posted on the school’s public website.